Take a look at our client hearth gallery…

Thes are just some of the photos sent in by our customers in recent months from rectangle hearths & T shape hearths to fireplace surrounds and even a bioethanol fireplace!

All the hearths below where custom made from a simple sketch and measurements emailed to us info@slatehearth.co.uk 

Once we have the rough sketch and measurements, we can then generate a workable drawing for the workshop and a price for the hearth for the client.

Q. Is it expensive to have a custom made slate hearth?

A. NO! in comparison to a “Ready Made” or “off the shelf” slate or stone look-a-like hearth, that’s often made from a composite material ( little crushed stones bonded together with an adhesive ) then no, in fact, sometimes it can cost less to get the “real thing” with the added bonus of if being precisely cut and shaped for the space you have, rather than getting one that will “just do”



Please feel free to email us with any hearth questions

14 + 7 =
